In my main course of my three-course Easter menu I process best Irish lamb. Here is, take qualitätiv quality meat. But you have a little deeper into their pockets but grab the result is worth. Again, as in many of my recipes, itself varies. Nehmt andere Gemüsesorten oder tauscht Beilagen nach Belieben aus. Raging you from properly.
Roast rack of lamb in a garlic and mint jus with glazed carrots, white asparagus and green beans on couscous

- Rack of Lamb ( gibts the butcher or the Internet) - Rack of Lamb
- Rosemary - 4 Branches
- Green Soup - 1 Confederation
- Knoblauch - 1 Tuber, 4 Toes
- Onion - 1 St.
- Red Wine - as. 500 ml.
- Tomato paste - 1 Essl.
- white asparagus - 1 Confederation
- green beans - 150 gr.
- Carrots - 4 St.
- Couscous - 400 gr.
- Vegetable broth - 500 ml.
- Tomatoes - 3 st.
- Pepperoni - 1/4 st.
- Lemon - 3 Slices
- Salt -
- Pepper -
- Sugar -
- Butter - 4 Essl.
- Mint - 4 Branches
- Flour - 2 Essl.
- Beer - 1 Essl.
- Even with this much speed can be prepared the day before again.
- Begin with the sauce on:
- For this, the lamb must be clean abpariert, that is, any remaining tendon (Parüren) must be removed. This is a sharp, made sharp knife.
- Abparierte cover the meat with plastic wrap and place in the refrigerator.
- Das Suppengrün und die Zwiebel (with shell) coarsely cut into slices and halve the garlic bulb. The garlic must be peeled and chopped, you need these later for the sauce. I do not peel the celery and carrots, only the leeks must be long halved and washed.
- The Parüren of lamb are cut small and well browned in a pan with a little oil.
- Then the vegetables are added and fried something.
- Now the tomato paste and the flour comes to, also needs to be browned slightly.
- Now deglaze with a little red wine, and let boil down the process three more times wiederholen.Dies is important for the shine of the sauce.
- Then add the remaining red wine and water, so that everything is well covered.
- Now covered on the lowest level 3 Simmer for hours.
- After the sauce is poured through a sieve into another pot. The sauce was already a good bond.
- Now the chopped garlic and the chopped mint is added.
- The whole thing again about. 20 min to allow niedriegster stage simmer and then season with salt and pepper and the sauce is ready. Allow to cool and place in refrigerator.
- The next day, the existing visible fat has deposited on the sauce without any problems and can be skimmed off with a spoon.
- Now is the turn of the vegetables:
- I blanc prey it very much the day before, then I just have to sauté in a little butter and season to taste it the next day.
- Sets to a pot of water on, give one level spoon of salt to it and bring it to a boil.
- Provides a bowl of cold water and a few ice cubes ready.
- Now peel the carrots and cut them into pieces of equal size, I have chosen this path with chopsticks.
- Then the beans are sorted out and nipped at each end of something.
- The vegetables are added sequentially briefly in the boiling water (as. 3 mine.), tried, wenn ihr euch nicht sicher sind, the vegetables should still have bite.
- Then it is quenched in the bowl of cold water and some ice cubes. The vegetables retain its beautiful color this way.
- Extraction, Cover and place in the refrigerator.
- The asparagus must be peeled clean and the woody end removed.
- Then it is placed in a pot with about 1 crossed spoon seasoned salt and sugar, the lemon slices and 1 Essl. Where butter and pour water, until the asparagus is just covered.
- And bring to the boil for about 3 my. Cook, then take out the asparagus and cool.
- Also cover the asparagus and place in the refrigerator.
- The next day started with the meat.
- Heat the oven to 100 Grad Ober- and lower heat before.
- Let the pan get hot and give the rosemary with a little oil to.
- Now the lamb will cook briefly on all sides and putting it on a grid, and pushes it into the preheated oven.
- Switches the oven to 70 Degrees and let the meat for about. 30 min cook finished.
- Now the couscous is on the Reihe.Ich have instant couscous taken.
- For this purpose, it is enough, when you bring the vegetable broth to a boil in a pot, den couscous dazu geben, stir, the pot from the stove and take cover.
- That ca. 5 my. give her just yet 1 Essl. Butter.
- I've quartered the tomatoes, gutted, diced and added to the couscous and season with salt, Pepper and hot pepper seasoned.
- Finally, the sauce must be made warm and sautéed the vegetables in a pan with the remaining butter.
- The carrot enjoy a good pinch of sugar and beans on something savory, salt, pepper and serve.
- The meat still about 15 my. let it rest and then cut into slices.
Good appetite.
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